🤔New to Cardano?

Here is everything you need to get started.


Recommended Cardano mobile wallet

  • https://tokeopay.io/

Recommended Cardano desktop wallet

  • https://typhonwallet.io

  • https://eternl.io/

Note, you need to set 5 ADA collateral within your wallet to interact with Cardano protocols. Open settings within your wallet and look for collateral. You can unlock the collateral at any time.

For newcomers to crypto, (1) never share your seed phrase with anyone; (2) check the transaction is correct before confirming with your password; (3) ideally interact with protocols using one wallet, while storing tokens in a separate wallet.

Useful Cardano protocols

Largest marketplaces for Necro League NFTs:

  • https://www.jpg.store/collection/tirelessworkers?tab=items

  • https://www.wayup.io/collection/78dea0d35c9ac1f554066ab4491b0862c2482bdf617e0ba81414d51c

Swap Cardano native tokens

  • https://steelswap.io

  • https://www.dexhunter.io/

Create a custom Cardano domain

  • https://mint.handle.me/

Analytical resources

View Cardano native tokens

  • https://www.taptools.io/

Explore Cardano blockchain

  • https://cexplorer.io/

View Cardano addresses and blockchain in real time

  • https://pool.pm/search/

Check NFT rankings

  • https://cnft.tools/

Any other questions? Just ask in the general chat or DM ion Discord! Appreciate you joining Cardano and learning more about the Necro League project and ecosystem

Last updated